Road Pro 32-Series
9,300 – 26,000 lb. GVW Trucks
All moldboards are 32-inches-high and designed for municipalities and larger contractors. Great for clearing side streets, parking lots and cul-de-sacs.
Meet The Toughest Guy In The Neighborhood
• The Meyer® Road Pro™ 32-Series features flared wings for better snow throwing action. It was designed specifically for municipalities and contractors using 9,300 – 26,000 GVW trucks. Available in 8-foot, 9-foot or 10-foot lengths, all moldboards in this series are 32-inches-high and perfect for clearing side streets, parking lots and cul-de-sacs. The Road Pro-32 is available with your choice of two mounting systems: Standard Operating System and EZ-Mount Plus. Both offer premium features such as self-diagnostics and hands-free plowing. The Standard Operating System also offers industry-leading ground clearance.